Thursday, December 22, 2011

So many good books, so little time...

When I "retired" this year from working, one of my vendors in the library (Junior Library Guild - who I LOVE) gave me a FREE subscription as a staying-at-home gift to The School Library Journal.  I LOVE this magazine because it's keeping me current and up-to-date on the world of books.  The past two years I've been a little bit behind, but I've been catching up all summer and fall.  Here are just a couple of my new favorite books:

Matched by Ally Condie  The sequel Crossed was good too, but more predictable and you can tell it's just a stepping-stone book to the third one.

Divergent by Veronica Roth - I read this before I read the Hunger Games Trilogy and I think I might like this better!  Can't wait till the next one!

Little White Rabbit by Kevin Henkes - I think this book is wonderful.  The artwork is delightful, the story has endless possibilities as a writing springboard!  It made me wish I was still teaching kindergarteners! 

King Jack and the Dragon by Peter Bently - So cute!  I love this book for D, but he didn't seem to into it yet - not enough cars and letters and numbers.  This is one I'll want to remember!

Blue Chicken by Deborah Freedman - I like this book enough I really think it could be a contender for the Caldecott or at least a honor... so creative, the artwork is awesome!  Again, multiple follow up activities with students are just spinning in my brain after reading this!

Neville by Norton Juster - Great little story - would be good when moving or at the beginning of the school year!

America is Under Attack:  September 11, 2001 by Don Brown - As a teacher and librarian I've been looking for a book to explain 9-11 to students for years that was factual, personal, and not super scary.  Finally, this book fits the bill.  It will make a great way for people to also share what their stories are that day.   I will actually be buying this book for my personal collection.  I wish it would be a contender for some award, but I don't really think it will really fit any of the categories. 

Balloons Over Broadway: The True Story of the Puppeteer of Macy's Parade by Melissa Sweet- Such a good book to read before Thanksgiving!  I love parades and this book tells an amazing story.  I also thought the illustrations were thoughtful and matched the story well. 

I've read a bunch of others, but those are the cream of the crop.  I have a HUGE pile on my kitchen table to also read.  I love that I have the time to read again.  No cable really helps!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's awesome! Looking forward to sampling some of these, thanks :)