Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Well, maybe....

So, a couple years back my sister, mother, cousins, friends, etc. kept asking when I was going to start blogging and giving updates about my life.  I kept putting it off because between teaching, finishing my master's degree, and then getting pregnant and having D, I decided that it would have to wait until I was home more often. 

5 years later, I'm home a good majority of my time.  I'm trying to figure out how to be a good mother, a better wife, a better home-maker, and still keep my professional side current.  I'm learning how to balance things and this blog will probably be a comglomerate of my rantings (especially because I don't have people at work to spot off to), updates on the family, and other things that pop into my head.  I've been inspired by many friends blogs, and although I can't promise to be as funny as my friend Jenn, or as creative and awe-inspiring as my cousin Lori, I can promise that this will be a little bit of me - online. 

1 comment:

Lori said...

stop, you are way too kind!