Thursday, February 7, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday!

 I can't believe our Lil' D is 3 years old (and has been for over a month)!  With Baby A making the scene, I've been looking back at Lil' D's baby books.  The time has flown. When he was born, he was SOOO tiny (4 lbs, 1 oz):

Lil' D in the NICU

At a year, he was all smiles and laughter!

At two, he started to talk up a storm!

And at 3 he's interested in everything and telling everyone all about it! 

Lil' D had 2 birthday celebrations!  He had asked for a cake with candles for his birthday and for people sing to him.  So, with me in the hospital on his birthday, we did just that!  My mom decorated a strawberry (his pick) birthday cake with the number 3 on it (thank you Pinterest for the idea), we gathered around and sang, quickly lit the candles, and watched as Lil' D joyously blew them out! 

The next Saturday, after I was home, we had his REAL party.  Big Sister and Big Brother came down for the weekend, along with Grandma Dee and Uncle Jim.  Grandma and Grandpa Ahrens came over and we celebrated by eating pizza, playing games with the balloons, and opening presents.  Lil' D loved the construction vehicles (an excavator, front loader, and dump truck) from the grandparents and Uncle Jim, Elepfun, a Little People school bus, books, and clothes from Mommy and Daddy, and an awesome outfit from big sister!  We had ANOTHER cake - dirt cupcakes in a new dump truck!  We decorated them ourselves - but here's the cake. 

Lil' D at three loves lots of things and does so many cute things, it would take forever to list them.  I do have an interview with him, that I'm sure I'll get around to transcribing and posting someday, but not today!  :)


Lori said...

So fun! I love the dump truck cake idea!!!

Kristen said...

PINTEREST! It was SOOOO easy - which was the point. My mom's a trooper and a god-sent - she decorate/made 2 cakes for him this year!

Brianna said...

I love the dump truck with brownies!!! Can't believe he's 3 already!!