Saturday, December 15, 2012

Random thoughts...

Well, since I'm pretty sure I'm the only who still reads this, here are some random thoughts I've been having lately.  Most of them are not interrelated (hence the term random).

1) Maternity clothes are frustrating.  They are over priced, not that cute, and when you only need them for a month because your "big girl" pants fit again, you don't really want them, but the are REALLY comfortable.  I'm hoping that I'll be able to make the next month with the 4 pairs of pants I had from Lil' D and the 3 shirts.  Luckily my sister gifted me with a TON of clothes before she moved and several of the sweaters were over sized...

2) Politics and politicians and all of the newscasters (both mainstream and other) bug me.  I don't understand their lack of understanding.  I am confused by the vote of the American people in November.  I'm not really talking about the President either.  Congress had single digit approval ratings, hasn't been able to pass a budget or accomplish 1 good thing in the last 24 months, and MOST of them got re-elected?  How is that even possible?  Why don't people understand that even more so than the president that congress is responsible for laws?  No budget? - a congressional problem.  A thousand page bill passed before anyone actually read it?  - a congressional problem.  The list could go on forever, but I will not bore you with my frustrations - except this:

Why can we not civilly break apart problems we have and tackle them one by one?  Why does everything have to be included into these super-bills that on the surface start out as reasonable, but then get so out of control NO ONE can vote for them in good conscience?  Take, for example, the health care bill that will be the LARGEST tax increase on ALL Americans (so saith the supreme court - not the spin doctors - a fact that was ignored in the election, for which I don't understand...).  In it there are some great parts that I fully support - especially the room for nursing/pumping mothers at work.  After Lil' D was born, I had to pump in the most embarrassing places.  No privacy, no locks on doors, it was no fun.  So, instead of packaging this up with a TON of other nonsense (I'm still very irrate that I have to pay for EVERYONE'S contraceptives at a hunderd percent next year - yup my premiums and copays all went up and according to our health company it's because of having to cover contraceptives and other new services at 100% - I had to pay for mine with a copay for YEARS! - give me a break!) we either say it's all or nothing.  Wouldn't it have made more sense to break apart this 1000 page bill (that no one read) and vote issue by issue on things?

Lest you say that I am totally naive and don't understand the way the system works, I highly disagree.  Even with being on a media strike for the last 18 months (which I will probably continue until I'm not so frustrated with the lack of real news being reported), I have watched and participated in the political system for almost 20 years.  I know how congress can and should be run.  I'm the junky that used to watch C-SPAN so I knew what was going on and the faces of our leaders.  I just think that we are all so biased and brainwashed that we can't admit that other people might have good ideas and that we should take things little by little.  Sheesh.  Enough of that...

3) I love being a stay-at-home Mom.  Several times over the last couple months Lil' D and I have been doing something completely benign and I've thought to myself "I'd be missing this if I were at work."  I love extra snuggle time, stories, making a crossing arm go up and down for 30 minutes just because we could, laughing at new words, talking about everything, and singing.  Would I still have some of these experiences if I were still in the library or classroom?  Probably.  Would I be able to give the TIME needed to them?  Probably not.  After my experience this spring I have realized more than ever that I, personally, cannot be a good teacher and a good mother (not to mention a half-way decent wife or homemaker) at the same time.  Small people demand and deserve attention and your time.  When' I'm focused on one, I can't focus on the other the way I know I should.  My ability to focus on work suffered significantly after Lil' D was born.  The year I worked after was the most difficult thing I've ever done because I knew I wasn't doing justice to any of my rolls.  Many moms can juggle both, I've decided that right now, I'm just not one of them.  I also think society has perpetuated this lie that women can and should have "it all".  Is it really having it all when you are constantly feeling like you're torn in 800 million pieces?  I think women can "have it all", just not at the same time.  I'm starting to learn that times and seasons are not a bad thing.  I'm extremely grateful that John's job allows me to stay home and that I have a great job on Friday's when John is home that covers our needs and even some of our wants. 

That's it for now!  I'd love to here what other people think about any of the above randomness. I'm still trying to get pictures up from our the rest of our summer and fall.  I may just call it a wash - we'll see!  AHHH!


Lisa said...

1) I hate shopping in general and clothes shopping in particular. I can't imagine needing to do it just for a few months. :(

2) I am so frustrated with the level of political discourse in our country. Many people just don't get how things work. And/or they hold opinions as sacred doctrine. And/or they view the other side as WRONG, just because they're the other side. I've become very much a centrist who just wants to see people figure out how to work together, rather than continue to stick to opinions as if they were rock-solid facts that the other side was stupid and/or evil not to see as true.

3) Maybe there are people that can be both the primary caregiver for their children and able to actively pursue a successful career. I've yet to meet such a person. Some days are fine, but other days, one or the other will demand more of your attention. I also don't quite get why we have to "have it all." Maybe I'm just lazy, but it's so hard to do just one thing, why try and split your energy and attention? I say this realizing that there are many women who don't have the option but to try, obviously, but for those where it's not a requirement, why go through the stress?

Lori said...

I just found a few maternity items on clearance at old navy this week, plus I had a 20% off coupon, that was exciting!:) It is frustrating to have to spend money on clothes that are worn for such a short period of time!

A media strike sounds like a pretty good idea. I don't know as much as I would like about politics, but I do know that most of the people on TV are full of it!

I too feel so blessed to be a stay at home mom!

Kristen said...

Thanks girls for replying! Lisa - I'm not a centrist, but I do feel like we could have better discussions about how to work together while still standing strong on principles. I agree - my opinion is a rock solid fact... - j/k.

Lori - Yea for finding cheap maternity clothes! I'm sure you wear yours for LOTS longer than I wear mine! I deliver in 2 weeks and have just now started to wear the pants almost every day! Hooray for Old Navy!

Rachel said...

I wish I still had my maternity clothes; I would have given them to you... a pretty great excuse for a visit, too! Love your blog, K. :) I'll have to start commenting more! Sending love your way.

Kristen said...

Thanks Rachel! Let's talk soon!

Brianna said...

Maternity clothes are the worst!!! I just want to get around in yoga pants and huge tshirts!

Unknown said...

Hey lady! So glad that you are posting. Reading your thoughts just made me MISS YOU. We are quite different, politically, geographically, etc but I always respect and treasure your insights. Because I know they've come from a reflective thoughtful place. Sidenote: I can't even give my job 100% of my attention without kids, can't even imagine with kids.