Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Cute Things Lil' D says!

Lately our youngest has been saying some adorable things.  Since he had his tongue clipped in January, he's been talking more and more and we've been able to understand his jabbering!  I wanted to record some of these things for posterity.

  • "Bump, bump on the railroad tracks" - This is what Lil' D says anytime he hears a train, anytime we're going into town, or when he wants to tell someone about the fact that we went somewhere.  It's adorable
  • "Take Money to the Bank?" - 
  • "Pick Daddy Up"
  • "Issues"
  •  "(His Name) turn?"  This is said repeatedly no matter what someone else is doing.
  • "Music notes - Mommy play piano"
  • "Ocarina - X, Trumpet - Aunt Becky, Tuba - Daddy, Guitar - Unca Ron/Unca Andre" this is what Lil' D says as we look through his music book from the library.  
  • "Uuuuppppp the driveway, ddoooown the driveway" This is what we hear anytime something is moving up or moving down on anything.  Love it!
  • "Open door" "Close door" - this is what we hear anything gets opened or closed or anytime he wants something to be opened or closed.  
  • "Mustache"  said in a growly voice.  
All in all, we love the talking, opinion giving (yup, he's my child), and cuteness that he is bringing into our lives everyday!  :)

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