Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Wow -

I can't believe it's been over two months since I wrote a real post.  I can do many things one handed, I am even a fairly good typist one handed, but actually writing something that resembles sentences is difficult when I'm one handed, which I am most of the time now. 

Life in the Schlesser house continues to evolve and change daily.  Baby A is wonderful.  Her eating and sleep schedule are constantly changing and evolving and suprisingly I'm not stressed about it yet.  I know that in about 2 weeks the doctor will tell me it's time to try to get her on a schedule, so I'm not even bothering yet.  She is a great sleeper (so different from Lil' D), and sleeps from about 10:00 - 11:00 pm to when John leaves at around 6:30 - 7:00 in the morning.  She's alert, smiling and even giggling at me, holding her head up like a champ, rolling from her tummy to her back, and grasping things and putting them in her mouth. 

Baby A received her name and blessing (we don't do baby baptism in our church, instead we give babies special blessings and officially record their names) on April 7th.  It was beautiful.  I was especially grateful that we had so many family members there to support us.  My brother, sister-in-law, and nieces and nephews came for a visit and were there for the blessing.  My brother-in-law, Mama, and Mom and Dad were also there.  Baby A cried the entire blessing, so it was short, but she was told some amazing things.  One of my favorite things she was promised was a testimony to know her Savior.  It was a special day.  Here's my favorite pictures from the day: 

Lil' D is definitely 3.  3 is HARDER than 2 years old.  And, when you have two opinionated parents and have been taught to say what you think, it makes it harder on Mommy.  Currently I'm struggling with nap-time, whining, and yelling.  Suggestions?  Luckily there are WAY MORE wonderful moments with Lil' D than there are frustrating ones.  I am constantly having to remind myself that (to quote Mama) "This to shall pass" and remember the sweet way Lil' D just helped me with Baby A or the funny thing he said or creative way he did something.  The 90% of the time he's great sure does help with the 10% when I want to throw him out a window. 

February and March flew by - the only super exciting thing that happened to us is that Lil' D went to the emergency room after biting through his lip.  He was a trooper, and it's much better, but John and I were VERY grateful Mom and Dad live so close to us so they could watch Baby A.  We all enjoyed Easter and General Conference Weekend.  Spring break was a lot of fun - the big kids were here, we got to see Aunt Becky and Uncle Andre for a couple hours, and then next week my brother's family was in town.  This now means that Baby A only has 1 uncle left to meet (come on and visit Uncle Dan!) and she's meet everyone!

That's it from here - I'll try to post more often - that is when I get two hands free... technically I should probably be cleaning somethings, sleeping, or cooking, but.... :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Updated Photo Books

Hello!  Time to type on the computer has been tough to get lately...
I will try to catch up on our lives in the next week or so.  In the meantime, enjoy these photo books about Christmas and Baby A's 1st two months!