Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day and Baby A at 4 Months Old

Happy Mother's Day!  

I've had a great Mother's Day.  John went out of his way to make my day peaceful and special - cards, roses, new picture frames, breakfast, and no dishes!  Thank you!

(For pictures of the baby, scroll down)

Today, I am extremely grateful for all the mothers in my life.  My mother is wonderful.  I could give you lists and lists of reasons why she is amazing, but I think it's summed up as she loves me unconditionally, seeks for me to the best me possible, supports me, laughs with me, and is my friend.  I love that we talk almost daily, laugh about random things, and are great friends.  In a state where I've felt very isolated from deep friendships, it's been wonderful having her nearby - the person that I love doing nothing with!  I also love that she's an extremely wonderful example to me and reminds me what motherhood is truly about, especially on the hard/frustrating days.  I love you Mom!

I've been very blessed to have many other great mothers as examples in my life.  My grandma is awesome - she is an example of charity and sweetness in a way that I wish I was more like.  My mother-in-law constantly provides a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, and an example of unconditional love and service.  I love my relationship with her and the fact that she considers me a daughter and treats me like one of her own! 

As to my other "moms", they include my friends' parents (especially Ma Miller) and the wonderful women at church I grew up with (Kim, Jayna, Sis. Wirth, Sis. Olsen, Sis. Knight, Sis. Gillis, and everyone else!), I'm grateful that they have given guidance, been examples of Christ-like love, and provided mothering when I've needed it and sometimes when I just wanted it.  Especially after Mom and Dad moved from PA and I was still there in the summer, I felt loved, cherished, and like I still had a home in Doylestown.  These women I've looked up to, relied on to show the way, and have enjoyed learning about the qualities of motherhood from. 

Lastly, I am grateful for my family and friends that are moms in their own right that I have been able to call on when I've needed timely advice, watch from a far and see how to parent successfully.  My sister-in-law has done such an amazing job with my nephews and nieces.  She is patient and respectful, caring and giving, and by watching her I've learned how to play with my own children.  My cousin and my cousin's wives (although all younger) have been great examples of me of how to be a "good" mom.  Somehow, these three women (and my sister-in-law) have made motherhood look easy and haven't been afraid to get their hands dirty, play, try new things, and show me that it's possible to be a stay-at-home mom, have more than one kid, and not go crazy.  My friends that have kids daily show me that there are different ways to parent, different ideas to try, and remind me that I'm doing okay and I don't have to be perfect and I'm not totally scarring my children. 

As for me, I love being a mother.  It is challenging in ways I would have never guessed three years ago when Lil' D was only 4 months old.  The joy I feel in little things is exponentially maginfied when watching Lil' D or Baby A reach a milestone or discover something new on their own.  The worry and concern I feel is heightened in ways I could have never imagined before becoming a mom.  Motherhood is great! 

Now - for what I know most of you read this blog for - news about the kids. 
Baby A turned 4 months old on May 3rd.  She is getting big!  She's able to coo and will giggle occasionally, smile before I smile at her.  Baby A is holding and grabbing everything - especially my hair - and discovered her toes this week!  I think she's teething because she is gnawing on everything.  She continues to like tummy time, car rides (as long as she's not hungry) and is scooting around on her back anytime you put her on a flat surface.  Here are some pictures of her:

Lil' D is pretty much the same - I'm still struggling with him being 3 and he's still precocious.  Lately his reason for doing anything is because he's a big brother.  For example, "I can drink out of a big cup, because I'm a big brother." Or, "I can wear your shoes, because I'm a big brother."  I find it adorable!  He loves Baby A and is very gentle with her.     

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Wow -

I can't believe it's been over two months since I wrote a real post.  I can do many things one handed, I am even a fairly good typist one handed, but actually writing something that resembles sentences is difficult when I'm one handed, which I am most of the time now. 

Life in the Schlesser house continues to evolve and change daily.  Baby A is wonderful.  Her eating and sleep schedule are constantly changing and evolving and suprisingly I'm not stressed about it yet.  I know that in about 2 weeks the doctor will tell me it's time to try to get her on a schedule, so I'm not even bothering yet.  She is a great sleeper (so different from Lil' D), and sleeps from about 10:00 - 11:00 pm to when John leaves at around 6:30 - 7:00 in the morning.  She's alert, smiling and even giggling at me, holding her head up like a champ, rolling from her tummy to her back, and grasping things and putting them in her mouth. 

Baby A received her name and blessing (we don't do baby baptism in our church, instead we give babies special blessings and officially record their names) on April 7th.  It was beautiful.  I was especially grateful that we had so many family members there to support us.  My brother, sister-in-law, and nieces and nephews came for a visit and were there for the blessing.  My brother-in-law, Mama, and Mom and Dad were also there.  Baby A cried the entire blessing, so it was short, but she was told some amazing things.  One of my favorite things she was promised was a testimony to know her Savior.  It was a special day.  Here's my favorite pictures from the day: 

Lil' D is definitely 3.  3 is HARDER than 2 years old.  And, when you have two opinionated parents and have been taught to say what you think, it makes it harder on Mommy.  Currently I'm struggling with nap-time, whining, and yelling.  Suggestions?  Luckily there are WAY MORE wonderful moments with Lil' D than there are frustrating ones.  I am constantly having to remind myself that (to quote Mama) "This to shall pass" and remember the sweet way Lil' D just helped me with Baby A or the funny thing he said or creative way he did something.  The 90% of the time he's great sure does help with the 10% when I want to throw him out a window. 

February and March flew by - the only super exciting thing that happened to us is that Lil' D went to the emergency room after biting through his lip.  He was a trooper, and it's much better, but John and I were VERY grateful Mom and Dad live so close to us so they could watch Baby A.  We all enjoyed Easter and General Conference Weekend.  Spring break was a lot of fun - the big kids were here, we got to see Aunt Becky and Uncle Andre for a couple hours, and then next week my brother's family was in town.  This now means that Baby A only has 1 uncle left to meet (come on and visit Uncle Dan!) and she's meet everyone!

That's it from here - I'll try to post more often - that is when I get two hands free... technically I should probably be cleaning somethings, sleeping, or cooking, but.... :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Updated Photo Books

Hello!  Time to type on the computer has been tough to get lately...
I will try to catch up on our lives in the next week or so.  In the meantime, enjoy these photo books about Christmas and Baby A's 1st two months!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

I've always loved Valentine's Day.  My mom and dad did a great job growing up making this day a day about family and love within our home. Mom always had candy in these cute little hearts, heart shaped food, and of course, the SUPER KISS (made from rice krispie treats - so good!).  Dad always made sure (up until I got married) that I had a special Valentine's Day card just from him.

My nieces and nephews have always been great about sending me a valentine (thanks Jen!) and I've loved them.  I also have really enjoyed Valentine's Day in my classrooms.  It's been fun.  

Now, Lil' D is just starting to understand what holidays are for, and Baby A is clueless, so I haven't gone all out yet.  But, we did make Valentines for our family and then send them pictures.  This is the generic Valentine from Lil' D and Baby A to all of the rest of you:

We also made some delicious chocolate covered strawberry cookies (thank you pinterest) and made a special steak dinner for Daddy.  It was a fun day! 

These pictures are when Lil' D broke down in laughter while we were taking the Aunts and Uncles Valentine pictures - he's adorable!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Baby A - 1 Month

Our littlest one has been here for a month!  We took some pictures of her on Sunday (when she was exactly 1 month old).  At one month she is:
  • very alert and loves looking at when you when you talk
  • tracks objects and people by turning her head and moving her eyes
  • able to find her hands and shove them in her mouth
  • enjoying tummy time (especially when Lil' D shows her how it's done)
  • letting Mommy sleep 3 - 5 hours at a time at night! 
  • enjoying her first couple of short baths
  • liking car rides
  • does NOT like gas of any sort!
I can't believe how big she is! These pictures were taken in MY old red dress!  Thanks Mom!

Witn Daddy!

Proud big brother!

Happy 3rd Birthday!

 I can't believe our Lil' D is 3 years old (and has been for over a month)!  With Baby A making the scene, I've been looking back at Lil' D's baby books.  The time has flown. When he was born, he was SOOO tiny (4 lbs, 1 oz):

Lil' D in the NICU

At a year, he was all smiles and laughter!

At two, he started to talk up a storm!

And at 3 he's interested in everything and telling everyone all about it! 

Lil' D had 2 birthday celebrations!  He had asked for a cake with candles for his birthday and for people sing to him.  So, with me in the hospital on his birthday, we did just that!  My mom decorated a strawberry (his pick) birthday cake with the number 3 on it (thank you Pinterest for the idea), we gathered around and sang, quickly lit the candles, and watched as Lil' D joyously blew them out! 

The next Saturday, after I was home, we had his REAL party.  Big Sister and Big Brother came down for the weekend, along with Grandma Dee and Uncle Jim.  Grandma and Grandpa Ahrens came over and we celebrated by eating pizza, playing games with the balloons, and opening presents.  Lil' D loved the construction vehicles (an excavator, front loader, and dump truck) from the grandparents and Uncle Jim, Elepfun, a Little People school bus, books, and clothes from Mommy and Daddy, and an awesome outfit from big sister!  We had ANOTHER cake - dirt cupcakes in a new dump truck!  We decorated them ourselves - but here's the cake. 

Lil' D at three loves lots of things and does so many cute things, it would take forever to list them.  I do have an interview with him, that I'm sure I'll get around to transcribing and posting someday, but not today!  :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Our little girl is here!

On January 3, 2013 we welcomed our little baby girl into the world!  She was born at 8:08 am and weighed 7 lbs 11 oz.  She is beautiful!  She is a good baby and we love having her home.  I'll post her birth story later - I'm tired - but all in all things went VERY well, very different than Lil' D's.  Lil' D is handling changes well and loves his little sister.  He continues to remark that "she's so tiny" and "Baby A is out of Mommy's tummy".  

Life is good and we feel extremely blessed that things went so well and that our little one is growing and healthy!  Two weeks have flown by - we can't believe how alert she's getting!  Now if I could get more than 2 hours of sleep...  :)

Getting caught up


Well, I didn't make my goal of having everything updated before New Years Day didn't happen...

I'll post on Baby A in a couple of days!  For now, enjoy looking at what we did this summer and fall through wonderful Shutterfly books!

July through September

September through November